Wednesday, 13 October 2010

The role of magic

I have had some misgivings over the role of magic in the book given that it is also a book with a real historical background. As soon as the plot line had been realised, the magic was a necessity for the simple reason that young men cannot pretend to be goats and everyone who sees them treat them as goats if they are just imagining it all. They have to become goats and that needs magic.

For there to be magic it follows that there should be a practitioner of magic, so I had to give the family Gruff an enemy, Cerdic or Caradoc. He is not particularly effective as an enemy until the time of the battle, spending his time in miserable conditions in Harthope Valley eating broth made from squirrels or hedgehogs and longing for a bit of decent goat's flesh. His putative enemies don't even think of him as an enemy - they simply are not aware that the man exists to be a threat to them.

He however knows them and he holds them and their king to be responsible for his squalid living conditions. So we learn a little about the history of the little land I call Dinware and how Ida joined it to his own realm of Bernice with the promise to its inhabitants to protect them from Christianity.

King Eadwine however accepted Christianity and even brought his foreign priest to Gatburgh, a place sacred to the old ways. His father, then the priest of the place had carried on regardless in his pagan practices but had died the following year, leaving Gatburgh without a pagan priest. When Cerdic turns up to claim his place as high priest, he is turned away.

So he has a grudge and among the damage that he inflicts upon the family is to turn the youngest three sons into goats. Only later does he perform more difficult magic to make the change permanent, a thing which as all good tales insist must have a get-out clause, the charm that will undo the spell.

I thought about this for a while, trying to think about all of the spells that are overcome in traditional tales - such as the Frog Prince, the Beast, the Seven Swans; all of these seemed to know what would break the spell and hang around waiting for the right person to come along. Rather than have my young billies blundering along blindly, I made sure that they knew what their fate would be. They are also unable to reveal the method of their disenchantment to others.

After these spells cast at the beginning of the book, the magic sort of dries up. It has not entirely gone but there are no more wizards chucking spells about. Obviously there is magic of a background nature whenever the brothers stray through into Elfland but magic there has an altogether different quality. The trolls do not seem to use magic, although they have their Gifts and they seem comfortable with things which are magical, perhaps they even make some things which are magical.

Finally there is the problem of protection. I mention in the book that Cerdic looks at a pagan king and sees upon him charms that will turn aside his magic. Why then can Cerdic use magic against the brothers, who are Christian?

My only answer is that the brothers had been baptised but aside from hearing some stories that they liked and therefore talk about amongst themselves, they never truly understand what it is they have become part of. This time is discussed by Bede as being a time when kingdoms became Christian and then returned to their old ways, for the understanding of a religion with only a single god was not established. They could understand a jealous god wanting his brothers (and sons, cousins, lovers, sisters ...) ignored and all of the glory being given to him but not that the gods had gone away, were no longer capable of offering luck to whoever would treat with them.

This ambiguity can best be seen when Frith asks his brothers what elves are (a question that does not get a precise answer - more of a guess really!). In the dramatis personae the elves are listed as Osen, which is my own word based on the name element Os as in Oswald, Oswy, Oswine, etc. which is usually interpreted as God in lists of name meanings. Os is an older element referring to the pagan gods and is directly linked to the Aesir of Norse mythology. I have tried to avoid obvious links with Norse mythology because although that mythos can shed a light on Anglo-Saxon religion, it is a dim light and not at all helpful. There is no evidence, for example, of a god equivalent to Loki in Anglo-Saxon religion. The trickster role is therefore taken by Woden, which explains why the chief of the Anglo-Saxon pantheon is identified with Hermes/Mercury rather than with Zeus/Jupiter in comparisons between cultures.

Another symptom of their half conversion to Christianity is the name that all of the characters use for Christ, namely "The Healer" This is a very wide play on words. One of the names of Christ in the Old English period is se halend which could literally be translated as "the one who makes things whole" and is therefore equivalent to conventional epithets such as the Saviour or the Redeemer. However, by calling him "The Healer" I have hoped to add a level of ambiguity. By itself it is not a bad title to give Jesus - he was a healer. To the minds of children and young men it resonates with magic - the stories of miracles would have been of great interest to pagans who accept the everyday reality of magic in their lives. In addition it illuminates the lack of understanding that the characters have for Christianity in that they misinterpret the meaning of one of their titles for Christ.